What Is the UK Regulated Charge on Your Bank Statement?

If you’ve ever reviewed your bank statement and noticed an odd charge from UK Regulated, you’re not alone. This regulatory charge relates to oversight fees paid by financial institutions. But what exactly is the UK Regulated charge, and why does it show up on statements? This post explains what’s behind the charge and what it means for consumers.

What is the UK Regulated Charge?

The UK Regulated charge covers fees paid by banks, building societies, and other financial services firms to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) in the UK. These regulators oversee the financial services industry to ensure stability and integrity.

Specifically, the UK Regulated charge helps fund:

  • FCA conduct regulation – governing how financial firms treat customers and do business
  • PRA prudential regulation – ensuring firms hold adequate capital buffers

To pay for regulatory oversight, financial institutions pay yearly fees to the FCA and PRA based on factors like their size and business models. The regulators aim to be self-funded through these fees.

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Why Does the Charge Appear on My Statement?

bank statement

To recover some of their regulatory fees, financial services firms often pass on a portion of costs to consumers. This typically shows up as a UK Regulated charge on bank and credit card statements.

The amount varies, but is usually less than £5 annually for most individuals. Still, seeing an ambiguous charge can cause confusion. Now you know it relates to essential oversight of the UK financial system.

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Oversight Supports a Safer Financial System

While it may be annoying, the UK Regulated charge serves an important purpose. Strict regulation supports:

  • Consumer protection through conduct rules and complaints monitoring
  • Financial stability by ensuring firms have sufficient reserves
  • Fraud prevention via market abuse monitoring

So although the charge on your statement is small, it enables vital supervision that makes the UK financial system fairer and safer for consumers.

What to Do About the Charge

If you receive the UK Regulated charge on your statement, you typically can’t opt out of paying it. But understanding what it represents may ease frustration over seeing the vague entry.

While the UK Regulated charge funds important oversight of the financial system, some customers may still wish to avoid the fee if possible. There are a few steps consumers can take to try preventing the charge from hitting their bank statement:

1. Use Prepaid Cards for Some Transactions

Switching certain spending to prepaid cards rather than standard debit or credit cards may help consumers sidestep regulatory fees. Prepaid cards aren’t linked to a bank account, so using them for things like online shopping and subscriptions can limit charges.

Of course, prepaid cards have their own fees to be aware of. But they do offer more control over what activity gets passed along to your primary bank statement.

2. Track Gambling Activity and Set Limits

If you engage in gambling activity, closely tracking spending and making use of self-exclusion tools can curb excessive charges. The UK Regulated fee often relates to gambling account activity. Setting hard limits on deposits and wins can lead to lower oversight fees.

3. Consolidate Accounts

Consumers with multiple accounts at the same institution may see lower regulatory fees by consolidating. Combining accounts simplifies oversight for the bank, potentially reducing pass-through costs.

While the UK Regulated charge probably can’t be avoided completely, the above steps can help interested customers reduce its impact. Being an informed consumer and closely managing financial accounts are good practices regardless.


While oversight charges may remain a fact of life, being an informed consumer can help you keep tabs on account activity. Now that you know the UK Regulated charge funds key regulation, it may not raise as many eyebrows when it lands on your next statement.

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