What Is the ScoresMatter Charge on Your Bank Statement?

Have you ever noticed an odd charge on your bank or credit card statement from a company called “ScoresMatter“? You may be wondering what on earth this charge is and if it is legitimate or fraudulent. This guide will explain everything you need to know about ScoresMatter charges appearing on your bank statements.

Key Takeaways

  • ScoresMatter is a legitimate company providing credit monitoring services
  • Charges from them on your bank statement could indicate you subscribed, but may also signal fraud if unauthorized
  • If the charge is fraudulent, contact your bank and ScoresMatter to dispute and prevent further identity theft
  • Monitor statements closely and take fraud prevention steps if you were victimized

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What is ScoresMatter?

ScoresMatter is a company that provides credit scores, credit reports, and credit monitoring services to consumers. When you sign up for their paid subscription services, you agree to recurring monthly or annual membership fees that then show up on your bank and credit card statements with the company name ScoresMatter.

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So ScoresMatter charges are generally legitimate if you intentionally signed up to use their services. However, the charge could indicate fraud or identity theft if you have no recollection of ever registering for ScoresMatter.

Legitimate Reasons a ScoresMatter Charge Might Appear

Here are some examples of legitimate situations where a ScoresMatter charge would appropriately show up on your bank statement:

  • You proactively enrolled in ScoresMatter credit monitoring
  • You signed up for a free trial but forgot to cancel
  • Your bank offered it as a complimentary service with your account
  • You registered through a credit card rewards program
  • Identity theft protection was included with another subscription service

As you can see, there are many valid reasons why charges from ScoresMatter could appear on your bank statements.

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Signs the Charge Could Be Fraudulent

However, there are also some red flags that a ScoresMatter charge could be unauthorized and fraudulent:

  • You have no recollection of ever signing up for ScoresMatter services
  • You did not consent to a free trial or subscription
  • It is charging much higher amounts than advertised rates
  • The charge appeared out of the blue without notification

If you see any suspicious activity that indicates fraud or identity theft, take action right away to dispute the charges.

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What To Do About Unauthorized ScoresMatter Charges

scoresmatter charge on bank statement

If you confirm that a ScoresMatter charge on your account is unauthorized and fraudulent, here are the steps to take:

  1. Contact your bank immediately to report the fraudulent charge. Ask them to reverse the charge and issue a provisional credit while they investigate.
  2. Dispute the charge in writing with ScoresMatter directly. Provide copies of any confirmation that shows you did not authorize the charge.
  3. Monitor statements closely over the next billing cycles and dispute any additional fraudulent charges right away.
  4. Implement fraud prevention measures like setting up transaction alerts, changing account passwords, enrolling in identity theft protection, etc.

Banks have procedures in place for handling fraud disputes and unauthorized charges. In many cases they will quickly issue a credit while investigating since consumer protection laws hold them responsible for most fraud.

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Make sure to follow up frequently on the status of your fraud investigation and continue reporting any suspicious charges related to identity theft. Being proactive can help resolve the issue faster and prevent further damages.

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Being aware of all charges on your account and quickly identifying any fraudulent activity is the best way to limit damages from identity theft. Don’t hesitate to dispute unauthorized subscriptions or charges that you did not consent to.

For more help understanding charges on your bank statements or to report suspicious activity, reach out to your bank’s customer support team. Protecting your finances should be a top priority.

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